Standing against the Time for 1000 years – Gangai Konda Chozhapuram

For many of us, our Dad is our first hero. What if a man decides to follow his dad’s steps ? For a man, whose dad re-wrote the history books by capturing almost half of South Asia and built an engineering wonder, Is it possible for his son to match his charisma, yet add a personal signature to it, is that not a tough ask ? Even if he constructed such marvel, will it stand defying time ? This structure is a living testament to the rich legacies of a forgotten Chozha dynasty and about an Indian king called Rajendra Chozha 1 (1012 AD-1044 AD), son of Raja Raja Chozha who replicated the temple his father constructed in Tanjore.

Well, everyone who had travelled to the southern part of India called Tanjore, knows about 1000-year-old big temple called Brihadeeswarar Temple, but how many of us know that there is an exact replica of this temple situated very close to Tanjore. Yes, i am talking about a temple called Gangai Konda Chozhapuram. This temple along with its counterparts (Tanjore Big Temple and Darasuram Airavateswarar Temple) comes under the UNESCO World Heritage Site known as “Great Living Chola Temples”.

Myself along with my brother decided to go to some place to just kill away the time. He had completed his engineering and we went to his college for his convocation (Yes, my brother is no exception, he comes from India and doing an Engineering is an absolute compulsion – You throw a stone randomly in India and the chances are that it hits an engineer 9 out of 10 times). After the boring convocations, we both decided to travel to some random place we haven’t been to. We just took a local bus and moved along centers. We took a bus from Tanjore to Kumbakonam and from there took a local cab to reach Gangai Konda Chozhapuram.

The replica of the Tanjore Big Temple is now standing tall for almost close to 1000 years exactly like its peer and has an even more special history attached to it.

Chozhapuram Temple Premises – UNESCO World Heritage Site
Gangai Konda Chozhapuram Temple

Chozhas in their golden time had controlled many parts in and around south India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, parts of Malaysia, now parts of Singapore,Cambodia and parts of Thailand (even today the Thai kings are crowned with hymns of Thevaram (a Tamil devotional song to Lord Shiva).

This grandeur temple is constructed by Rajendra Chozha at 1020-1025 AD and it took him 9 years to complete this architecture marvel. The stones and water are believed to be brought from Ganges basin and they built this temple as a symbolic gesture of their victory over the northern parts of India. Hence it got its name, Gangai Konda Chozhapuram (Triumph over Ganga by the Chozhas)

Notice the huge granite ball at the apex of this structure.
Another View. The sunlight slowly evades us transforming itself to a wonderful night effect.

It is said that the granites all the way from North of India was brought to the South Of India through Elephants, Horses, and Donkeys. The majority of the constructions materials were shifted and moved by these animals as there were no transportations at that time.

Carvings made out of a Granite Block. Shows the intricate designs and the artistic skills


Situated at 10 km outside Jayamkondan town, lies this temple quite and untouched.It is quite hard to believe that this exact place thousand years ago was the epitome of trade,prosperity and was the capital city for Chozhas for more than 250 years.

Archaeological Society of India (ASI) record that there was a major catastrophe that hit this area several years ago brought down the civilization which led to the downfall of this region. This place was the capital of Chozhas at Rajendra Chozha’s time. The archaeological society of India has unearthed many sites around this temple town and villages surrounding Ariyalur. Recent excavations reveal major palaces leftovers and ruins that belong to the Chozha dynasty. Yet this great temple stood against nature and time. Only the outer gopuram (temple tower) has been destroyed and only the base of the structure remains now. The ruined stones were later sent to build the Anaicut nearby (which is a small check dam) across River Cauvery.

As soon as we enter, we can see the semi-destroyed temple tower. One can only imagine, how perfect it would have been if the tower has held good. Nevertheless, you can see the perfect line from outside. From outside, straight inside the temple gate, you can see the inner temple tower along with the Bull Statue followed by the main God (all in one straight line).

Main Entrance Temple Tower
Observe the Straight Line – Pardon my lousy photography and disregard the crowd 😀



The main attraction is the huge Nandi Statue (Bull)  and is made up of one single granite. I will give the size of this temple and leave it to your imagination. The temple is made by placing 153 blocks of granites (adjacent to each other) and is 175 feet high and 95 feet width.

Bull Statue – One single Granite rock.


Another View – Bull Statue

Similar to Brihadeeswara Temple, there is a huge granite monolith (which weighs several tonnes). It is said that the huge granite was moved atop by raising a slope and then moved to the top of the tower with the help of the elephants.

After the Bull Statue, at the entrance of the main sanctum, we can see a sculpture called as Dura Baragar who are the soldiers guarding the main deity. This statue is also made up of a single rock.

Sculptures in the Main Temple Tower
Amazing Details shows their expertise

You can see a lot of Tamil and Brahmi inscription in the walls of the temple, but there is an interesting fact attached to it. The inscriptions display their valour, war strength, their culture, their generosity and other hero stones. It is also said in the inscription that there will not be any consecration for this temple and until today, it still holds good. It is said in the inscriptions that there would be re-incarnation of a Chozha king and once he is reincarnated, only then the consecration takes place.


Temple Blocks allocated for Hindu Gods.


It was getting dark and my phone was not good enough. So spare my photos 😀

To the north of the temple lies a huge Lion monolith called as Simhakeni (Lion Well). According to the history, this is a well and it is believed that Rajendra after the victory of the Ganges, brought water from Ganga and poured into this well to sanctify it. While some others say that this is also a subway to escape if there is a war. This subway is believed to be connected to the Big Temple in Tanjore and other routes to the coast in order to escape via sea.

Lion Faced Well. Some argue there is both a well and a subway. No Not the kind of “Subway” you are looking out for 😀

Chozhas were great patrons of art and architecture which is quite visible. The trademark Nataraja statue shows their skill, the Tanjore Arts and Museum justifies it, this temple acts as a testimony to it. It feels like I have travelled back time with some time machine and could very well understand how our ancestors would have once lived a rich life.

Dedicated Temple Blocks to each God
Another View
Temple Tower

The ancient civilizations still amaze me on how developed we were and how we had lost our uniqueness and ethos by trying to mimic the West.

Travel Tips –

By Location- about 10 KM from Jayamkondan village. 40 KM from Kumbakonam and 80 KM from Tanjore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Nearest Railway Station – Kumbakonam. There are cabs available outside Kumbakonam Railway Station and Bus Stand to Gangai Konda Chozhapuram.

Nearest Airport – Trichy International Airport. 110 KM to Gangai Konda Chozhapuram.

Nearest Metropolitan City – Chennai, formerly known as Madras is the capital of Tamil Nadu and is 255 KM far from Gangai Konda Chozhapuram.

Temperature can become very hot and sultry in the summer and hence wear light cotton clothing and keep yourself hydrated.

Travel with locals and experience the hospitality and don’t miss the traditional Tamil food served in a big plantain leaf.

You can collect souvenirs if you have a chance to visit Tanjore. Tanjore paintings and Tanjore Dolls and Tanjore Silk Sarees are quite famous. It is quite expensive as well and gives a run for its money. One local doll called Tanjore Thala Aati Bommai (dancing doll that moves its head the same way as a Bharatanatyam dancer) is a unique showpiece you can get and gift your friends back home.

Tanjore hosts a variety of places and you can combine your visit to nearby Tanjore and Kumbakonam. There are close to 100 big temples in and around this place. Tanjore also has the Asia’s oldest library,palaces,museum and art gallery. So head out and have a wonderful historical journey which is waiting for you.


The Wanderer.




Traverse Bengaluru by Walk – A bygone mode of travel

Walking 17k at a single stretch in the scorching heat (okay, not so scorching heat,remember i am in Bangalore) to reach my home. Does anyone who is sane does that ? Or some other nasty questions pops up like are you trying to stretch your dollar by being frugal ? Are you seriously out of your mind ? is what someone replies or at least thinks (out of courtesy) when they get to hear this story.


Bangalore is fastly catching up with its state of the art Metros and BMTC Volvo AC buses and you chose to walk!!!


Walking long distances has always been in my wishlists, but my thoughtful mind always challenged me that it is a Chimera. So the intriguing part in me asked me to try it out.Beating your own mental boundaries gives an ultimate kick i don’t want to miss out.


Done with  my office work, followed by a good and a first time Kannada movie at a posh multiplex, i really don’t know what else to follow with. Suddenly the idea of walking which was lying sedentary somewhere on my cerebellum suddenly switched sides to my cerebrum and without second thoughts i laced my shoes and started.

First Kannada Movie XP in theatres – For Kiccha Sudeepa’s charisma

With routes unprepared, I started at HAL Market. I don’t want to take the usual busy chaotic roads, instead planned taking a leisurely stroll in the quaint villages surrounding the mega city.

The walk never disappointed me and it was a new learning for me every single step. I thought reaching the destination would be a cakewalk, but my arrogance was completely washed away when i reached my 10k.
I started at HAL Market, walked along Yemalur village and via the Bellandur Lake and extended my walk to Outer Ring Road.
Bellandur lake side walk was quite an experience in itself. The weather was lovely but seeing the lake contaminated with chemicals and sewage made my heart heavy. The putrid smell was quite heavy and the industrial waste are not treated and are directly let into this lake. This lake water is a source of fresh water to the nearby villages and seeing the state of the lake looks pretty scary.
Totally Refreshing – Bellandur Lake View Road


The Other side of the lake!!! Observe the contrast 😦

Beautiful and Romantic – Does nature really need camera filters !!!
Believe me, it doesn’t snow in B’lore. But the dark side of Industrialization 😦
High end condos and lake side high rise apartments are on the rise on this stretch. There is a potential time bomb ticking and hope we realize it pretty soon.
Oye Bangalore!!!
Once i reached ORR, I took a left turn towards Sarjapur and walked straight. As soon i reached the Sarjapur road, my strength and my willpower was tested with every single step. I have never walked continuously more than 10k at a single stretch and this was constantly playing in my mind. But i never wanted to give up. I huffed and puffed and sweated a lot, sweared at myself for this decision, but kept moving.


This is tough. Do i really needed to do this ? If yes to whom am i trying to prove something ?  Every damn thoughts crossed my mind, yet i kept moving. By now i know i have made some good progress. After two hours of extensive walking, i have crossed 15K.


I took a right from Sarjapur Road, which headed to Chikkarayanahalli Village.The roads were quite and almost inundated with some rare passers by.My legs went to a state of numb, yet not completely exhausted, i decided to sit for a while sipping my mango pulp with a strawberry bun. After 5 minutes or so, resumed my walk.
Road Not Taken ?  Sarjapur – Chikkarayanahalli Road
Village Devasthana  – Simple, yet beautiful 🙂
Reached Chikkarayanahalli Village and proceeded my walk towards Gattihalli. Finally decided to take some much needed rest and halted under a nicely grown banyan tree. My thoughts were vivid. This is life. This is bliss.This is sheer happiness.And this is heaven.
Rugged Roads – I don’t have any issues as i am not driving here 😀
People fishing in a small pond, villagers taking their cattle’s to grace, Small children carrying wood stocks for livelihood, i mean how many of us would have really seen all these when we come on a trip to Bangalore ? We only get to see the pubs, cozy restaurants and the vidhan soudha and the Lal Bagh. The true laid back culture of Bangalore lies in these rustic villages. (I know within years ,these villages will soon fall into civilization, so move your arse and witness it before it is all over).
Real Happiness is walking in a strong breeze 🙂
The destination was peaceful, but it was a teaser. The road started seem like it’s never gonna end and with agitation and tensions internally building up, my pace started decreasing.
Now i am slowly running out of my patience and i wanted to close this deal. By this time i almost have no energy left in me,but still managed to reach Gattihalli village and then finally to Huskur.
F*#k, Looks like there is no end to this road…
Now comes the tricky part. I have been many times to Huskur town, and my home is just 3km from this place. Yet this fucking place confuses me every single time and i will end the wrong.f route. This  time though i don’t have the luxury to try things out as i was completely exhausted.
My legs cursing me 😀
I hitched hike with a guy and that generous soul agreed and most importantly dropped me right in front of my home (well he would have seen my hopeless and tired face and thought that this guy would probably die if i leave him anywhere :P).
Completed Baby 🙂
HAL to Huskur – 17k in 3:30 minutes
It’s not about the destination that matters, but the travel to get to these destinations that we always savour in our life. This trip ended fabulously with some really sore legs but gave me an important lesson in my lifetime.


The Impossible list in your life

What is that one thing that comes in your mind, that you think is doable by others, but when it comes to one’s self, brings jitters and butterflies in your stomach.

Well, we all know that we are capable of doing things unimaginable, yet we never move out from our comfort zones. It is not that we love this cocooned life, yet we not even once think about breaking the walls, we set for ourselves in our minds.

If you start to jot down the things that we always wanted to achieve, we could end up with a list of whole range of things starting from the most complex ones of starting a business to such a small things like getting up early at 05:00 am.

We end up feeling anxious, in a constant depression not able to achieve things, we always wanted, in the end settling for a mediocre life and being surrounded in a constant guilt and living unhappy the rest of our life. This is no motivation class to anyone, nor putting up a couple of  inspirational videos, feeling inspired for the next 30 minutes and end up going back to circles.

The only way to get out of this is by acknowledging the things we cannot do now. Keep it close to our mind, the things we wanted to do, but for some reasons we are not able to do. If we are afraid and if we never wanted to show our weakness to others, we will never work towards it and for the rest of our lives, try to live with it trying to conceal our weakness.

So keep throwing this question to your near and dear ones, as what is that they think that you cannot achieve ? What are the things you always wanted, but never had the willpower to work for it ? Write it down and mark priorities in your list and start crossing things in that list, once you reached proficiency.

I always wanted to be a ultra runner. Running is never my forte, but starting today i am going to constantly be aware and start giving my honest efforts to achieve this goal. I have lot of self-doubts in myself on achieving this goal. To keep me motivated, i am going to write a journal and start measuring outputs.

I don’t have any answers on whether i will succeed or succumb to my usual habits. Time will answer that question and that answer is for me to introspect and understand me better.

So, what is that you are all waiting for ? Go ahead and make your list. Pour in your comments on what’s is your priority and the action item that you are going to take starting today.

See you in my next blog. Ciao 🙂